Friday, September 9, 2011

A Dance..

I was standing on the belt.. shoes laced.. feeling limber.. readying myself.. preparing mentally for a lil pain in my calves which seems to be my dance partner on my runs lately.

I fixed the ipod in its case. Pink ear buds nestled securely in my ears. I have a playlist of about 500 songs I float through at work and then at the gym. It's kind of my all time favorites and has everything from Johnny Cash to Metallica. It's a glorious mix.

I push the button and the belt moves under me. Faster .. and still a little faster. Two and a half.. Three.. and then I find a nice pace at Three and a half. Incline's progressing upwards until I'm hitting 21 degrees. I'm finding my rhythm. It's a good warm up.


We're fully inclined now.. and the songs change. I almost stopped and splatted my face on the belt. I could feel my whole body sigh when it played.

I'm trying to keep my pace. I'm trying to not let the thoughts in my head distract my feet. Another body shuddering sigh.

Jaw locks. Determined to not flounder on that belt. Eyes close now. The song is evolving in its chorus. I'm holding onto the crossbar. Feet moving. I'm dancing on the belt. Dancing to a song that was a gift.


My bottom is getting tight. Calves and hamstrings are feeling the incline. I hit the back button to hear the song again. I want that song again. I don't care about the incline.. the pain.. the muscle ache.

I want that moment wherever I've managed to find it again. It's fleeting.. and I know it. I hit that replay button two more times before I'm done.

When I opened my eyes, the belt was still moving under my feet. I was still moving. But my dance was over and I knew it.

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