Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday Into Monday..

It's Sunday night and I'm looking at the clock. Almost bedtime and that means its almost Monday. Almost work.

I left the office Friday in an angry state. I caught flack from the HR guy on my way out.. to which, he was promptly flipped off as I kept walking.

I told them last week I was going to be quitting. They all kind of freaked a lil. Apparently not enough. New creepy boss guy was not as clingy this week. He probably would not have been able to take a rectal pulse on me with his shoulders.. I suppose that's a positive, yes?


I lost a friend over this whole ordeal. That's probably the most bothersome part of the whole thing. Mind you - he was a total bullying ass over this thing and said something terribly hurtful. Ok. It was more than just bothersome. His behavior and words caused pain. Tears and pain. He used the same kinds of methods the creepy boss dude uses to get what he wants.. le sigh..

Part of me says walk away. If its bad enough to tell the guys upstairs to fuck off.. it's time to walk away. Doesn't "fuck off" imply the step back?


I'm not ready for Monday. I don't want Monday to come.

P.S. I deleted the last journal on this because of some of the commentary and things that were implied. I'll do it again if necessary.

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